Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Little Word - CHOICE

How many times have you started a new year out with a list of resolutions, only to slowly give up on a few if not all of them within a few weeks or a few months?  Yep, I am guilty of that.

Many people who are part of this amazing little creative community I am part of choose One Little Word to concentrate on all year long.  Studying that word, immersing themselves in that word, discovering how it fits and applies to their life.  Ali Edwards, over at Big Picture Classes (www.bigpictureclasses.com) offers a year long workshop complete with prompts to help you discover that One Little Word You have chosen.  This sounded like a worthwhile endeavor to me so I jumped in, and boy, I have already learned a thing or two, like sometimes your word picks you instead of you picking a word.  I originally wanted to do the word "serve", like serve God, serve my husband, serve my kids, serve my coworkers, serve my community, but the word CHOICE  kept coming to the forefront of my mind, after all every little moment of every day is wrought with seemingly little choices that when combined make a big impact (whether good or bad) on you and the people around you.   So I am immersing myself in the word CHOICE this year and sincerely hope by the end of the year I can totally embrace the choices faced with me every day.   I have no idea where this word is going to lead me but there a few things I want to invite as I move through this journey:

  1. An open mind
  2. Fun, after all I still have two little ones at home, and I more often than not choose the obligatory mundane things in life over building a fort with my kids, and they will not be here forever. 
  3. Compassion, for others, sometimes this is a choice in of itself. We are all human beings and will all reach a time in our life where we will need some compassion, I do not always choose compassion over judgement.
  4. Commitment, sometimes commitment to something is very much a conscious choice that has to made each and every day you wake up, whether that is commitment to exercising, eating well, loving, daily devotion, date night, etc. 
  5. Joy
  6. Excellence, which interestingly enough is a definition of choice.

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