Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 10th

What is it about wrapping?  I love the idea of beautiful paper, coordinating tags, and ribbon, and making the packaging as much as part of the gift as the gift itself.  HOWEVER, it never happens for me.   Usually I find myself wrapping gifts to be sent out while I am in line at the post office, no joke here.   And, well, Christmas Eve, instead of enjoying a nice cozy night watching a movie with my husband, which is what I would rather be doing, he and I find ourselves spending the entire night wrapping gifts.  Every year we say "We are not waiting until Christmas Eve to wrap" and every year Christmas Eve finds us up late wrapping gifts.  

Heck, I still have a pile of gifts I made for friends in Georgia and family in Ohio, still sitting in my craft room because I never got them wrapped, it has been a year people, and there they sit, and will likely sit for another year.   I suppose we could add waiting until the last minute to wrap to our Christmas Traditions.

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